Business Incubator: An Environment to Hatch and Grow

When you think of an incubator, more often than not, the image of a specially designed ‘house’ for chicken eggs will pop into your mind. This ‘house’ is usually perceived as a safe and warm environment, where eggs can hatch and grow at the right time. A business incubator is just like that house. A business incubator can be a safe environment for a new business to become established and help existing businesses to grow.

Ultimately the aim of any business incubator is to help both new and existing businesses achieve their goals, whether this is in the provision of office space, providing access to information and training or providing guidance and advice on any business topic when needed.

The Business Growth Centre Incubator does just that. Since start-ups lack many resources, experience and networks, our Business Incubator provides a range of services which help new businesses get through the many and varied hurdles that come with setting up a business. One of the most obvious is floor space which is a massive asset in itself for a new business, especially as the cost of office or floor space can hugely impact the outputs of any business.

So how do you know if a business incubator is the right environment for you and your business? When an individual sets out to set up a business or is looking to expand their home-based business, most will be unaware of how a business incubator can help. However, the benefits are clear. Shared learning, mentoring, greater access to training and floor space are all vital for any new or growing business and, when you are kick-starting a new business or taking the next step with an existing business, advantages like these can put you way ahead of the competition.

We all know that for anything to grow, it needs to be fed, nurtured and exposed to the right things. Just like the egg we think of in that specially designed ‘house’, businesses can thrive in the right environment when they have the opportunity to feed on knowledge and experience, are nurtured through mentoring and coaching programs and are exposed to new networks.

If this sounds like the kind of environment you are looking for to grow your business, call the Business Growth Centre on 4942 3133 or email our staff today to arrange an inspection of the facilities. We currently have office space and light industrial units available for rent.

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